The quality of our products means everything to us. When we formulating our whey protein blends we had no other ambition than to offer the cleanest and most effective protein powder possible. This goal left us with no other choice than to use locally sourced New Zealand grass-fed whey protein.
World leading New Zealand whey protein
Dairy is the backbone of New Zealand's food and beverage industry - it is the world's top dairy exporter and accounts for a third of the world's dairy trade. Since the early 1800s the dairy industry in New Zealand has gone from farmers keeping a few domestic cows on bush blocks to being a world leader. Before the advent of refrigeration, almost all of New Zealand’s dairy products were consumed locally, with only a small amount of butter and cheese exported to Australia.
From the early 1880's refrigeration made it possible to export more dairy products. Successful product diversification and focus on export markets has seen New Zealand’s dairy reputation for premium quality triumph on a global platform, supported largely by excellent hygiene and technology, you can feel assured consuming products that comply with rigorous health and safety standards.
Growing trends and the development of functional foods such as low fat, high calcium, high protein health supplements and products made from organic milk continue to keep New Zealand at the forefront of innovation in global dairy production and trade. Being so closely linked with major NZ dairy co-operatives we follow industry developments closely, looking forward to advancements and the opportunity to offer new products as they become available.
Grass-fed goodness
The dairy cows raised to make New Zealand Whey Protein maintain a natural diet grazing on lush chemical-free grass pastures. New Zealand dairy cows aren’t fed grains packed full of additives, they feed on luscious green pastures free from pesticides.A diet that allows for the production of milk and dairy richer in beneficial nutrients, good fats, essential amino acids and of course taste.
Hormone & GMO free
The New Zealand government banned the use of growth hormone’s in the dairy industry more than 30 years ago. Cows are restricted from the use of conventional antibiotics, GMO’s, or rBGH (recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone) that are used to induce increased production. Instead, they’re raised naturally and are allowed to develop in their own time. And it shows as New Zealand dairy is of remarkable quality.
Pure and natural
Amazing primary source is complemented by state of the art processing facilities, at the forefront of dairy innovation and efficiency.
Strict processing techniques, such as low-temperature micro-filtration, ensure the maximum benefits are withheld in the final whey protein. For example, our whey protein isolate, though virtually lactose, fat and sugar-free, retains the highest possible nutrient density of any protein powder. Up to 90% protein, it is incredibly fast absorbing, easy to digest, and rich in essential BCCAs.
This quality does come at a price, but we do all in our capacity to keep our product affordable, as in the context of individual health and wellbeing, we feel there is no possible substitute.
Unflavoured WPI
- Sugar-free and ultra low fat
- Fast absorbing, ideal for fast recovery
- Suitable for lactose intolerant